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september 11 attack
Published on September 12, 2006 By mrboo In US Civil War
Hello guys I was shocked like everybody who reads this message, there is strong video make in flash
to confirm that 9/11 attack was not through flight but rather it could be through missile.

I reccommend every body to watch the video

if the file doesnt open click this link to follow to the website

cast your views guys.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 12, 2006
The claims made in this video have been discussed in great detail here, here, and here.

I think you will find the arguments against the "missile" theory to be at least as compelling as the arguments in favor of the "missile" theory.
on Sep 13, 2006

Good god that's dumb.  I watched 9/11 Live. I saw the airplane hit the building live. AIRPLANE.


on Sep 13, 2006
Conspiracy theory nuts just never give up.
on Sep 13, 2006

I watched it all live too... I guess that the live TV feed was delayed and they edited the image of the plane over the missile!  And it was a conspiracy across all news agencies, and everyone on the ground watching, or anyone with a video camera of their own was in on the lie!


on Sep 13, 2006
So, really, Zoomba, MasonM, and Draginol, in your opinion, the official version is true?
on Sep 14, 2006
There doesn't seem to be any reasonable evidence to suggest otherwise. It may differ in the details - God and those involved only know if there was any prior warning - but the shrapnel and sheer scope of necessary conspirators suggests it was definitely planes.
on Sep 14, 2006
There doesn't seem to be any reasonable evidence to suggest otherwise. - Cactoblasta

I find the 'official' story totally unbelievable. I read / watch anything I can get a hold of that will provide new information or insight. I enjoyed the 9/11 'documentaries' 'Loose Change' and 'In Plane Sight' but I like to read the debunking reports that get down to brass tacks - that's proving to be very interesting. I don't care for those who simply toss aside questions about 9/11, however. If one has a correction to make or perpsective to contribute, that's fine, but simply ignoring basic questions the public might have about such a nationally traumatic event is a disservice to taxpayers.

I'm dissatisfied with the lack of government evidence to support the official story, so, instead, I'm treated to a smorgasboard of mostly 'home detectives' nitpicking each other.

I watched it all live too... I guess that the live TV feed was delayed and they edited the image of the plane over the missile! - Zoomba

You saw a plane hit the pentagon - on live television, no less?

That's cool, G.W. said he saw the first plane hit the first tower on live television as well.
on Sep 14, 2006
Haven't you seen all the shots of plane wreckage on the Pentagon lawns? And haven't you looked into the personal background of the guy who put together 'Loose Change'? Don't they seem at all suspicious to you? One article I've recently read that focuses on those two issues is a serious one on pointlesswasteoftime.com - http://www.pointlesswasteoftime.com/911truth.html

You might also want to consider the sheer incredible mass of conspiracists as well. Who has the money to bribe thousands of people into permanent silence?
on Sep 14, 2006
Haven't you seen all the shots of plane wreckage on the Pentagon lawns? - Cacto

Cacto, would you please check out 'Loose Change' and 'In Plane Sight', match it against any debunking page and then tell me what you think? That is the process I am presently in: comparing and contrasting, picking and choosing what I agree and disagree with.

And haven't you looked into the personal background of the guy who put together 'Loose Change'?
- Cacto

I'm not interested in one of the co-creators of 'Loose Change'. I am highly interested in some of the facts presented by the film and I'm still poking and prodding at a few of them. There's a place called 'Screw Loose Change' which addresses some of the points made within the film, they'll point you in the direction of where you can watch it and they work at debunking it.

You might also want to consider the sheer incredible mass of conspiracists as well. Who has the money to bribe thousands of people into permanent silence?
- Cacto

Many people on camera, journalists, etc. have given conflicting reports of exactly what they thought they saw. I'm guessing you will only provide audience to those people providing testimony that supports the official story? The rest are all crazy.


on Sep 15, 2006
Hey guys like mrboo said in the article I have gone through several other article as well and most of them raised suspectable questions. In this video too they showed one thing which still raises the eyebrowes what happened to aero plane parts.
on Sep 15, 2006
well its stories all around, i saw video of the incident on some site, let me re collect and try to post that one as well
on Sep 16, 2006
There's a lot of information to comb through. I'm very much hoping most people don't just simply say, "Hey, I'll go with the official story," as it's not convincing.
on Sep 24, 2006
Sure it was a missle; three of them in the form of passenger jets filled with jet fuel. They were very convincingly disguised. Damn the government!
on Sep 24, 2006

That's cool, G.W. said he saw the first plane hit the first tower on live television as well.

No he didn't. Good god. Like holocaust deniers. 

Bush was told about the attack while reading a book in a school. He didn't see it.  Even Michael Moore accepts that given that Bush's reaction to being told AFTER it happened was part of F911.

The official story is quite convincing. I"m sorry but it's hard to have any respect for the intelligence of people who believe there's some sort of massive conspiracy. 

19 men hijacked 4 aircraft. There were cell phone calls from the planes to relatives telling them what happened. Millions of Americans saw the second plane hit the WTC (I saw it myself). It was filmed from multiple directions. The passengers on the doomed planes described the terrorists. Bin Laden talked about how they pulled it off on tape. The terrorists taking flight training has been documented. Pieces of the plane were found.

I mean good god, how stupid can someone be to think that it was some monstrous government conspiracy?  It's easy to have a conspiracy theory if the ones pushing it simply invent their facts, twist people's words, and ignore inconvenient evidence.

I'm perfectly satisifed to let dumb people buy into believing it's a conspiracy because it's a very effective way for someone to identify themselves as an idiot that isn't worthy to be taken seriously in the future.  Every time any future topic comes up you can say "Oh wait, you're that dumb shit that thinks 9/11 was a government conspiracy. Nevermind, you run along now."

on Sep 24, 2006
No he didn't. Good god. Like holocaust deniers. - Draginol

Christ, Draginol.

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, Jordan. Well, Jordan, you're not going to believe what state I was in when I heard about the terrorist attack. I was in Florida. And my Chief of Staff, Andy Card -- actually, I was in a classroom talking about a reading program that works. I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on. And I used to fly, myself, and I said, well, there's one terrible pilot. I said, it must have been a horrible accident.
- George W. Bush

From the Whitehouse news release:


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