People critise Federer doesnt have any challange in the modern era and hence cannot be claimed as the greatest, but this is the era where a 20 yr old has already won 2 grandslams consequtively ,S me talking about Nadal, the man who was undefeated on clay almost for 2 yrs and more than 75 matches.
If Federer can overcome claycourt rulers and the king in the final [Nadal] to prove his utter dominance in Tennis. Its not gonna be easy for Federer to accomplish all 4 slams in a single year with specially this year frenchopen looks packed with loads of strong contenders. There is Gonzalez,Hewitt,Devdenko,Henman hurdles to be crossed before Federer can think about winning a dream rematch against Nadal in the French open.
Any ways Wish Federer all the best and continue to thrill tennis fans.